Lee McBride travels the country as an evangelist and storyteller.
Growing up as a preacher’s kid, Lee was called to preach at the ripe old age of 12. He was a youth pastor for 13 years, a pastor for three years, and for over 15 years has been a full-time missionary to the outdoorsmen of America. Lee uses humor and storytelling to evangelize and motivate people of all ages.
Lee has a beautiful wife Wendy, two incredible children Maddison and Garrett, and an amazing son and daughter in law Cameron & Kat as well as two beautiful granddaughters: Leighton Brooks & Sofia James.
Lee uses real life stories to truly connect with people on a much deeper level. He's been on over 50 missions trips, has spoken at 500 wild game suppers, and preached over 100 youth camps and retreats. Every August Lee speaks to over 100 football teams in 30 days
Hidden Hook Ministries has three goals: win people to christ, be a true friend to pastors, and motivate people to tell their Jesus story.
Lee and his beautiful bride, Wendy.