The Big Lee Blog

Fall 2018 Update

Over the last five weeks I’ve preached in at least five states. I have seen about 40 people come to Jesus Christ! This is something that never gets old and brings me to tears every time I think about.


Earlier in October, I had the privilege of going to Honduras with Eagle Lake Assembly of God, along with various churches from Alabama, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. One of the best parts of this trip was that I got to go with my son, Garrett. I loved that Randy Herring, our missionary has built life like replicas of Bible stories and Biblical landmarks! So when you tell the story of Jesus coming out of the tomb you’re telling it from inside the tomb!


I think one of the keys for our ministry in the last few weeks has been to encourage pastors. Pastoring a church is so difficult and pastors have very few people they feel they can trust to be vulnerable and open with. Some of my best ministry in the last few weeks has been at the lunch table or in the living room with pastors just encouraging them and praying for them.

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